Schedule of Events:
Reunion Room - will be set up at Hampton Inn and Suites for Friday and Saturday.
Friday, 15 June 2012 - Reunion Room
No host event at Hampton Inn and Suites Longview North. We will have finger food, soft drinks, mixes, but BYOB.
** Goal is to just hang out, bring your annuals (Mark Mosley has his elementary ones from Judson). Socialize and have fun. Marty Baumgardner has the tunes and Alan Spaeth will be having a slide show of past reunions and photos running.
** Dress - casual, shorts, etc.
Saturday, 16 June 2012 - Golf Tournament at Wood Hollow Golf Club
(check in at 8:30 AM with rounds beginning at 9:00 AM)
This is a social event, the course will have a snack bar to buy drinks and food.
** Goal is to have fun and just hang out on golf carts. Billy Writt will be the Golf Marshall for the event.
** This is open for spouses and kids.
** Dress - casual, shorts, golf appropriate
Saturday, 16 June 2012 - Reunion Dance at Pinecrest Country Club
** Mexican buffet, DJ (because Mark Mosley said you can always tell them to turn down the volume), and more chances to socialize.
** Dress - business casual - slacks, polo shirt, etc.